You’ve spent a lot of time (and often money) developing your logo, stationery, website and
marketing communication for your brand, ensuring it is impactful, memorable and effectively
delivers your fantastic message to the market.
So why drop the ball now? Why should you follow the brand guidelines?
Here’s 3 key reasons:
1. Brand consistency
A brand must be consistent in order to be effective. If you alter your logo by changing colours,
fonts or in any other way, you risk diluting the strength of your brand by making it less recognizable
and less familiar. Ultimately this could cost you business.
A potential client or customer may come across different variations of your brand in the market and
feel confused about what you are offering because the messaging is inconsistent. It can also create
difficulty in remembering your brand as well as look unprofessional, which can lead to mistrust.
Think of it almost like someone you know who suddenly starts acting strangely or out of character.
You begin to question whether you really knew them at all.
2. Sets the tone & standard
Brand guidelines’ provide more than just knowledge of what colours or logos to use.
They contain carefully considered rules and standards, detailing how best use the tools
and elements that serve to support your brand. Rules such as clear space for logos are
just as important as colours in retaining the character of your brand.
Guidelines help anyone crafting a communication for the brand to maintain consistency.
Whether it be a long time employee or a newcomer that is not yet completely familiar
with the intricacies of the brand, or any external stakeholders and suppliers.
3. Managing expansion
Guidelines can also be used to provide direction on how to effectively introduce
a new product or service into the market whilst upholding your brand’s core values.
Of course you want it to stand out and get noticed, but be mindful that stretching a
brand too far can also damage it, both internally and externally.
You may need to consider implementing a brand diffusion strategy if you are at risk
of taking it too far.

But don’t let the idea of a set of rules make you feel restricted either. Guidelines’ put in
place the rules but aren’t necessarily a limit to creativity. They are there to keep your
brand consistent, recognizable and professional, so you can put your best foot forward
at all times.